I’m back – right, we looked at ‘a morning in the life of…. Kim / working mum’ let’s look at a morning in the life of Ralph….
· Wake to alarm at 6.50am
· Snooze – not because you didn’t have a GREAT night’s sleep, but because you can.
· Get into the shower – oh wait, what’s that?! Oh yes, silence is what it is…
· Get dressed – wow, that magic laundry fairy has been again!
· Come downstairs, put on the coffee machine.
· Make 1 kind of breakfast (because he’s not a sucker like I am) consisting of putting out ONE box of cereal and bowls.
· Sit & scroll through insta videos (err – sorry, I’m sure they’re work emails)
· Go upstairs back to the bathroom (the coffee is beginning to ‘work’)
· Back downstairs surprised to witness feral, sockless, screaming children
· Go from zero to a hundred on shoe shouting muttering how he doesn’t need this stress in the morning…
Look a little different to the day in the life of me I painted?
Oh, and not to forget about the ‘praise’ he’ll get for taking his OWN children to school…..
Do I hate Men?!
No. I mean of course like any couple, we have our ups and downs though, no – this isn’t a ‘let’s hate on men and the world is unfair’ piece, I’m trying (not entirely sure how successfully, though we all know the saying about learning through failure) to illustrate the difference between Women and Men, within my ‘typical’ environment.
Are there families in which these ‘Day in the Life of….’ Are reversed? Yes
Are there many single parent families out there who have to do it ALL. Yes
Are there several hundred different combinations?! Yes.
HOWEVER – in my work with my clients, my own experience, seeing my friends, working within large corporates, I see a trend, time and time again.
As women, we think we HAVE to ‘have it all’.
We are the fortunate generation who grew up being able to have a career AND be a parent – and thank goodness for that.
HOWEVER, no one said we needed to kill ourselves in the process.
If you’re still with me, then I hope this has given you the opportunity to pause for some reflection – what is your set-up? Are you trying to ‘have it all’? Do you ‘have it all’? If yes, to what – if any – consequences?
Another Way…..
Join me, in Part 4 when I talk about an alternate way. A healthier way (in my humble opinion).
A way in which you don’t have to live up to an unrealistic, treadmill, exhausting way of life (that 9 times out of 10 we put on ourselves). A way in which you can lead a happier, balanced and more present life through having YOUR all.